Our mission is thriving churches.
Together, we can do so much more.
Churches in America are in staggering trouble.
Join us on mission to help the local church.
Even before the pandemic:
- Upwards of 7,700 churches in America were closing each year
- Membership in houses of worship dropped below 50% for the first time in Gallup’s eight-decade trend
- Regular church attendance was at a dismal 34%
Since the pandemic:
- 85% of churches in America now consider themselves to have either plateaued or are in decline
- More churches have closed than opened and regular attendance plummeted even more: to 28%
- Experts estimated one in five may close by the end of 2021
Over the last decade, we have provided support to hundreds of churches
as they strive to serve the community and proclaim the gospel.
Since 2015, the ROGO Impact Initiative (formerly ROGO Foundation) has adopted, revitalized, and relaunched 9 churches.
The ROGO Impact Initiative has:
- Developed more than 500 church leaders through our leadership school
- Successfully adopted, revitalized, and relaunched 9 churches
- Helped and served hundreds of churches as they’ve navigated seasons of challenge
On average…
- Weekend attendance increases 877% three months after a revitalized campus launches through the ROGO Impact Initiative
- After one year, roughly 50% of a campus’ weekend attendees report that they were not attending a local church in the previous 5 years
- A campus is able to cover their operational costs within one year of being revitalized and launched
- 43% of our main service are 35 or younger
Join us on mission to support the local church!
Would you consider making a one time or recurring gift from your missions budget to help support this vision?
You will be supporting the effort to help churches overcome seasons of challenge, adopt and revitalize
some on the road to closure, and the development of the next generation of local church leaders.
When we partner together, we can ensure thriving churches are around for generations to come.