Church Revitalization
We exist to help churches overcome challenging seasons and revitalize some that are on the road to closure. By implementing our proven ministry model, we see increased attendance, professions of faith, and baptisms. With this, we ensure that each revitalized location will thrive and continue on for generations to come.

Strategic Support
Leading and growing a local church is hard. We want to share what we have learned to benefit any church that would want the help. We also help connect church leaders with their counterparts at Sandals Church to help them understand how to implement new strategies to resolve the challenges they are currently facing.
Church Replants
As the ROGO Foundation team develops relationships with other church leadership teams, at times it becomes clear that the Lord’s plan is for that church to join the Sandals Church network. When these replants actually happen we see incredible growth in attendance, baptisms, and opportunities to serve new families.
Amethyst Bible Church
Now Sandals Church East Valley
“Just a stone’s throw from our campus there is a plan to build 3,500 homes… I thought, we want to be that place, we want to reach those people and but we were struggling so much.
This is what we always prayed for, what we always wanted to have happen, and now it is happening.”
-Gary Newcombe, Amethyst Bible Church
(now Sandals Church East Valley)

Lakeside Church
Now Sandals Church Lake Arrowhead
“It really made sense for us, knowing that we had seen the church go from something that was huge 15 years ago and now we were down
to 60 or 70 people, we were ready for something like this…”
-Josh Morey, Lakeside Church
(now Sandals Church Lake Arrowhead)
Property Donations
Property donations of any type can be made to the ROGO Foundation to fund our work. Whether you are considering the donation of a church facility, commercial or residential property or land, the sale of these resources by the ROGO Foundation helps make way for new church campuses and more trained leaders.
An Example
Calvary Baptist Church
Property donated to ROGO Foundation
Provided funding to build three new churches, including one in the same community.
“We had this land and building and a passion to reach people, but we struggled with the best way to do that. We saw the value in donating our property to the ROGO Foundation knowing that it would fund the launch and revitalization of three more campuses. Our land, our building, was given to us by the Lord and we wanted to give it back to him.”
Pete Edwardson, Calvary Baptist Church